“Chef Tomm Teaches the World” is where I share my passion for cooking with you! Cooking is my life and I hope my shows and recipes inspire you to cook with me.
About Me
I have always loved to cook. The art, science and history of cooking still thrills me. I have traveled through Europe, Mexico, Asia and California to learn the culinary secrets that one doesn’t find by following traditional path.
After working for several years in the restaurant field I decided to teach. I’ve been a Chef Instructor at culinary institutes from the east coast to the west for the past two decades. Currently I am building a culinary program in a high- poverty area in Connecticut.
Over the years, I’ve also been involved in the world of culinary competition. I managed and coached a number of Student ACF Culinary Competition Teams, the last of which had the honor of serving as the Apprentice Team for Team USA at the Culinary Olympics in Erfurt, Germany. I also served on the School Advisory Board for the Student National Competition Team.
One of my passions is creating rich, wholesome foods from scratch. At any given time, you might find me making fresh cheeses from raw milk and live cultures, or rich, delicious chocolate created from real cocoa beans. I also love curing and smoking all kinds of meats and sausages. Nothing beats a homemade slab of smoked bacon or a complex, dried Tuscan salami! And have you watched my Chinese Hand-Pulled Noodles show yet? Now, that’s one of my favorites!
Some of the techniques I’ll demonstrate may seem difficult to master, especially if you are just getting started. Don’t let this discourage you!
Many of these skills took me years to master myself, so hang in there and, with practice, you’ll be able to impress your friends and family with your new culinary skills!
Here on the site, you’ll be able to watch my instructional demos as many times as you like, then use the recipes to create the same dishes. You can interact with me directly via e-mail and on social media. It’s like having your own personal Chef Instructor as close as the nearest computer screen or mobile device!
I’ll be filming and posting new episodes regularly, so make sure to bookmark my site and check back often. I guarantee there will always be something here to help you broaden your culinary horizons.
I’m glad you have joined the Chef Tomm Teaches the World family. Now, Come Cook with Me!
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